Here in Canada, Special Agent Oso is a popular character on a kid’s tv show. I get many requests for themed cakes involving this character. So I decided to make a tutorial to show how to make this cute, friendly bear.
Here is what you need:
Gumpaste (yellow, red, black, white, brown and teal)
Rolling pin
medium Cel Stick
zacto knife
paint brush (thin)
pallet knife
small round cutter
tooth picks
black edible marker
edible gum glue
Teal gel
# 10 round tip
Rolling pin
medium Cel Stick
zacto knife
paint brush (thin)
pallet knife
small round cutter
tooth picks
black edible marker
edible gum glue
Teal gel
# 10 round tip

Step : 1 -

Step : 2 -
On either side of the “head” pinch a small amount of gumpaste to create the ears.

Step 3:

Step 4:
Roll out another piece of yellow gumpaste into a log, approximately 2-3 inches long.

Cut it in half. These will be the bear’s arms.

Step 5:

Step 6:

Step 7:
With a piece of white gumpaste roll a tiny ball. Shape this ball into a cone shape. One the pointed end cut a slit in the centre.

Step 8:

Step 9:

Step 10:

Step 11:

Happy Caking!